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Drone-based photogrammetry involves utilising UAVs to capture a series of overlapping aerial photographs. These images are then processed using specialised software to create accurate 3D models, maps, or measurements of objects, landscapes, or structures. It's a powerful technique with applications in mapping, surveying, construction, and various industries requiring precise spatial data.

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CONSTRUCTION AND SURVEYING provides the capability to generate precise, high-resolution drone maps, reports, 3D models, and live 2D maps, enhancing the construction process for any location. Centralizing all site data simplifies sharing images and reports, fostering collaborative decision-making. Continuous site monitoring facilitates project assessment, ensuring timelines and addressing any initial plan discrepancies effectively.

SOLAR ARRAY AND ROOFING INSPECTIONS's capacity to create thermal data-infused maps renders it a prime choice for solar array and industrial roofing inspections. Through thermal image analysis, it detects issues in solar panels and identifies potential water damage or insulation vulnerabilities on roofs. Swift generation of PDF reports, 3D models, and DXF files enhances on-site decision-making and operational efficiency.


Within the oil and gas sector, aerial mapping serves as an optimal solution for asset inspection and visual documentation, particularly in challenging or hazardous areas, minimizing worker risk. can provide real-time infrastructure and equipment assessments, aiding inventory management. 


Volume measurement tools allows us to instantly calculate accurate volumes on any map. 
 A ground-based surveyor would typically measure elevation every 1-2 m on each pile. Not only would this take a lot of time and put the surveyor at risk climbing up and down the piles, but this process would also result in relatively few data points, compared to the digital surface area captured by a drone

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